Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Total GFA in Schedule not equal to Sum of Rounded Values in Table

You made a schedule for GFA for URA submission that displays the total of the areas in the schedule, and you noticed that the total is slightly different from the sum of the values.
By Autodesk Revit default, the total is different from the sum because the total is calculated using the exact value of the areas and not the rounded values shown in the schedule.
If you would like the total to be based on the rounded values instead, follow these steps:
  1. In the schedule view, open the Instance Properties palette. If you need to open the Instance Properties palette, active View tab, from the Windows panel; click the User Interface dropdown and check Properties check box.
  2. In the Instance Properties palette, click the Edit button for Fields.

  3. In the Schedule Properties dialog box, click the Calculated Value button.

  4. In the Calculated Value dialog box, enter a name (for example, "AreaRoundInteger").
  5. Change the Type to Integer.
  6. Enter the following formula: Area / 1 * 100  

    Note: Dividing by 1 prevents unit errors.
    Note: The factor depends of the decimal places that are used. In this example, 100 is used for 2 decimal places.
  7. Click OK to close the Calculated Value dialog box. 
  8. Click the Calculated Value button again.
  9. In the Calculated Value dialog box, enter a name "AreaRound".
  10. Change the Type to Number.
  11. Enter the following formula: AreaRoundInteger / 100
  12. Click OK to close the Calculated Value dialog box.
  13. Select the Residential_Area (for this example) field and then click the Edit button
  14. Revise to the following formula: if(Residential, AreaRound *1, 0)
  15. In the Schedule Properties dialog box, click the Formatting tab.
  16. Select the AreaRoundInteger field and AreaRound field, and then click the Hidden Field option.
  17. Select the Residential field and then click the Calculate Totals option.
  18. Click the Field Format button and set the rounding to 2 decimal places.
  19. Click OK to close each dialog box. You will get the correct result as below:-