Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Trick and Procedure for creating New Gross Area Scheme, Area Plans and Schedule

Most of the time we have to submit amendment plan submission to BCA/FSSD while we are waiting for URA’s reply to re-submit for GFA regularisation. Since amendment submission needs to show only additional SGFA calculation, we need to keep our current Gross Area Scheme and have to create New Gross Area Scheme separately. In this case, we are not recommended for creating New Rentable Area Scheme which is not related with GFA or SGFA calculation. The first step of Step-by-step procedure as per below is the trick:-
  • Create temporary Design Options

·         From Area and Volume Computations dialog box, under Area Schemes tab, click “New”. Select Area Scheme Type dialog box will open and you can create New Gross Area Scheme by selecting Create Gross Area Scheme type.

·         For Name, enter a name for the new area scheme and for Description, enter a description of the new area scheme, and then click OK.
·         Now you can delete unwanted Design Options.
·         Create Area plans views based on newly created area scheme and level
·         Apply BCA_SGFA view template for each view
·         Create SGFA color scheme and place a legend by using Color Fill Legend tool. To assign SGFA color scheme to the view, from Choose Space Type and Color Scheme dialog box, choose SGFA color scheme and click OK. 
·         Later you can delete this SGFA Color Fill Legend if you like to replace with new SGFA Color Legend from the Legends view

·         For this amendment submission, we can easily create Area Schedule which is similar to built-in SGFA schedule.
If we like to get individual area for “Other areas not included in GFA computation” which will allow you to comply with BCA-BP-SGFA document, we can add an additional shared parameter.
·         Create and add text type parameter with named “Other areas not included in GFA computation” as an instance shared parameter under “Other” group parameter for Areas category.

·         Write a description as shown above for each Area according to Annex 1 of BCA-BP-SGFA document.
·         Create an additional color scheme, for instance SGFA_BREAKDOWN by using “Other areas not included in GFA computation” parameter for the colouring.
·         Place the SGFA_BREAKDOWN legend by using Color Fill Legend tool. Assign SGFA_BREAKDOWN color scheme to the view, then we will get a colorful area plan view and no need to create a sheet to add an additional legend view.
·         Keep original SGFA schedule and create additional schedule to comply with BCA-BP-SGFA document as follow:- 
If we like to hide unnecessary Area Boundary lines in the URA area plan view, we can assign a workset to those Area Boundary lines and turn off the visibility for that workset for workshare enabled projects.


Friday, September 19, 2014

The Most Effective Way to Check GFA Schedule with Area Plans in Revit

As per BIM Submission Guideline for Architectural Discipline, Gross Floor Area (GFA) for URA submission need to summarize in a table format with GFA breakdown.

For all the GFA breakdowns, multiple instances are collapsed onto a single row for each level and it is difficult to check the GFA breakdown on the area plan view separately. Even you select the value under particular Breakdown column to display them on the  area plan view, Revit will select and show all the instances of the same row.

 In order to select and display per breakdown in the area plan view, follow the steps below.
  • On the Sorting/Grouping tab of the Schedule Properties dialog, you need to specify additional sorting option for rows in this schedule.

  • Ensure Itemize every instance is turned off.  Add one of the breakdown areas in the 3rd row under the Sorting/Grouping tab and set to Desending. 
  • If you select the particular breakdown area cell in the area schedule, Revit will show you every instance of that breakdown area on the respective level of area plan view.       

For above example, you will see additional one row for each level in the area schedule since we only have 2 breakdowns.