Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Total GFA in Schedule not equal to Sum of Rounded Values in Table

You made a schedule for GFA for URA submission that displays the total of the areas in the schedule, and you noticed that the total is slightly different from the sum of the values.
By Autodesk Revit default, the total is different from the sum because the total is calculated using the exact value of the areas and not the rounded values shown in the schedule.
If you would like the total to be based on the rounded values instead, follow these steps:
  1. In the schedule view, open the Instance Properties palette. If you need to open the Instance Properties palette, active View tab, from the Windows panel; click the User Interface dropdown and check Properties check box.
  2. In the Instance Properties palette, click the Edit button for Fields.

  3. In the Schedule Properties dialog box, click the Calculated Value button.

  4. In the Calculated Value dialog box, enter a name (for example, "AreaRoundInteger").
  5. Change the Type to Integer.
  6. Enter the following formula: Area / 1 * 100  

    Note: Dividing by 1 prevents unit errors.
    Note: The factor depends of the decimal places that are used. In this example, 100 is used for 2 decimal places.
  7. Click OK to close the Calculated Value dialog box. 
  8. Click the Calculated Value button again.
  9. In the Calculated Value dialog box, enter a name "AreaRound".
  10. Change the Type to Number.
  11. Enter the following formula: AreaRoundInteger / 100
  12. Click OK to close the Calculated Value dialog box.
  13. Select the Residential_Area (for this example) field and then click the Edit button
  14. Revise to the following formula: if(Residential, AreaRound *1, 0)
  15. In the Schedule Properties dialog box, click the Formatting tab.
  16. Select the AreaRoundInteger field and AreaRound field, and then click the Hidden Field option.
  17. Select the Residential field and then click the Calculate Totals option.
  18. Click the Field Format button and set the rounding to 2 decimal places.
  19. Click OK to close each dialog box. You will get the correct result as below:-

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pay S19.95 to get 18 Tests of 30 Questions Each!

Autodesk Revit 2013 Exam: A Practice Test Book is an e-book and it is available for purchase anytime anywhere in the world where internet is available.
I have purchased this e-book since the book is being offered at a very affordable price for everyone at $19.95 per book FOR A LIMITED TIME before the next price increase. You can practice 18 tests of 30 questions each (total 540 questions) and I believe these Revit exams will assist you as excellent training material for you to pass the Autodesk 2013 Certified Professional Exam.

PLEASE get the FREE SAMPLE of the book here.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Release of Singapore BIM Guide Version 2.0 and BIM Essential Guides

As part of the effort to encourage BIM adoption, BCA has published the latest relases of the Singapore BIM Guide Version 2.0 and BIM Essential Guides.
You can access the Singapore BIM Guide Version 2.0 at and the BIM Essential Guides at

Friday, July 12, 2013

Final Presentation for Singapore BIM Competition 2013

A total of 45 teams have successfully completed the BIM competitions this year, with close to 500 participants. There would be the stage presentation and final judging of the Singapore BIM Competition 2013 @ Singapore Expo on 29 July 2013, during the Singapore Construction Productivity Week 2013. The final presentation of the teams from BIM Competition 2013 @ Singapore Expo is opened to public. You are free to join as sit-in audiences. Below is the schedule. If you are in Singapore, do go and support them. Don’t miss this exciting event!
Please refer to the website  for more detail.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

MEP BIM e-Submission Interactive Training Videos by Kendra Chan (Arup)

The MEP BIM e-Submission Interactive Training Videos for Revit Users were specially done and contributed by Kendra Chan (Arup). The videos are in tandem with the MEP BIM e-submission template training guide, which was developed by BCA mainly for the benefit of Singapore Local MEP Community only.








Friday, March 1, 2013

Preparation of Amendment BIM e-Submission with Autodesk Design Review Compare Tool

In Singapore CAD Standard, “SS CP 83: Part 5” aims for visual checking by using colours. That aspect of visual checking is perhaps most important for submissions to authorities where certain colours have been specified for “proposed”, “existing” and “deleted” elements.
In BIM, Revit phase filtering process for A&A took a lot of time since that phases are applied to elements and controlled by views. For instance, in a residential project with several types of unit, after you did 3 colours changing in a typical unit group, it cannot update the rest of the similar groups in the Revit files. To gain the productivity by saving man hours, keeping smaller native file size (especially Revit) and avoiding creation of extra building objects (elements), alternatively we can use Autodesk Design Review to compare the original sheet to the revised sheet to identify differences in the geometry of building objects or elements by colors in accordance with SS CP83 Part 5 for projects previously done and approved with BIM submission and to re-submit the changes as amendment BIM submission.
Design Review can be used to compare differences in vector content (geometry) between two 2D sheets in separate DWF files that have the same sheet size and unit settings.
I am going to show you how to compare design changes with Design Review. First of all, open your approved DWF in Design Review, and select a sheet that you want to compare.

(Above figure shows a DWF Approved Floor Plan sheet: Elements in Cyan colors can be re-exported from Revit by overriding Phases Filters.)

Go to Tools menu, and then from Canvas tab, click Compare Sheets. The compare dialog box will open.

From the compare dialog box, click Options. The Compare Options dialog box will open. 

Now you can change the default colors to the required Magenta and Yellow in accordance with SS CP83 Part 5. Click OK to go back to the compare dialog box.                                                          


From the compare dialog box, click Browse. Navigate to the folder to find the updated DWF file of the same drawing set, created at a different time and then select the sheet you wish to compare to the sheet currently in the canvas.  

Final result is essentially an automatic markup of the DWF sheet showing what are the proposed elements(NEW) in Magenta and what have been deleted(DEMOLISHED) in Yellow.  

Any changes between the 2D sheets are identified as separate markups, one for Additions and one for Deletions, in the open DWF file. The Additions markup identifies the geometry that would need to be added to the original sheet to make it match the second sheet. The Deletions markup identifies the geometry that would need to be deleted from the original sheet to make it match the second sheet.
Most of the time, contractor will receive a new version of a DWF file, but changes were not identified by the architect. The contractor can use Design Review to compare the original sheet to the revised sheet to identify differences in the geometry, including changes in polyline attributes such as line pattern or line weight.
Doing this electronically with a process that identifies additions and deletions goes beyond what we traditionally done by aligning and eyeballing sheets of paper or overlapping two CAD drawings and finding changes.
Occasionally, comparing DWF files may produce some unexpected results. Since DWF is a published file format, DWF files are susceptible to the output eccentricities of publishing programs.
Be aware that Design Review will identify all geometric differences between two DWF files, whether the difference is made intentionally by a designer or unintentionally by an anomaly in a publishing program.
I hope this process will improve over time with future releases of Autodesk Design Review.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Singapore BIM Competition 2013

BCA will be organising the 3rd consecutive Singapore BIM Competition this year, in conjunction with the annual Singapore Construction Productivity Week 2013.
The 48-hours virtual BIM Competition will be held on 1-3 July 2013.
The Singapore BIM Competition 2013 would open for registration on 1 March 2013.
The Multi-disciplinary Collaboration of both Industry and Education Categories would be open for International participation to bring the the Singapore BIM Competition 2013 to the next hype.
I would like to encourage you and your colleagues to form team(s) to participate in this key event again this year.
There is no limit in the number of teams each company/school could send.
Please refer to the website for more information and to register.
You can submit the registration online for your team(s) before 30 April 2013.
Besides the annual 48-hours virtual BIM Competition, they are also hosting the inaugural BIM Mobile Apps Challenge 2013.